Job Searching During the Pandemic

No doubt, your life has been turned upside down in the past few months. If you’re out of work, or if your job has become unstable, you’re probably thinking, “Sure, I want to find a new job—but how?”

Let’s start with what NOT to do. If are working from home and also in the throes of homeschooling your children, you now have two fulltime jobs. Do NOT add a rigorous job search to your “to-do” list. Cut yourself some slack and focus on the day at hand, trusting that you’ll be able to focus on your job search again soon.

If you want to start—or continue—a job search, it can be done, even in the midst of this pandemic. For one thing, some companies are hiring, and hiring for full-time permanent positions. And while working at home, it’s easier to phone a prospective employer or fill out a job application during the work day.

But what about networking? Now you can focus on doing it virtually. The same goes for interviewing. In fact, thanks to modern technology, both have never been easier.

Are there differences? Of course, and you’ll need special strategies to address them. Our own Julia Holian shared some very good tips about nailing video interviews. And a recent article in Forbes details more ideas about networking, interviewing and job searching during the pandemic.

Whatever your situation, we’re here to help. From assessing your career to negotiating job offers, we’ll help you find the work you want.


Holian Associates provides strategy, resources and coaching for every stage of your career. If you need help with job search strategy, career transition, resume creation, LinkedIn development, interview preparation,  professional strengths coaching, or navigating your job search as a college student or recent college grad, email us at or give us a call at (925) 451-3183.

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